the farm security administration or fsa hired photographers to document and report on the plight of the farmer from 1935 to 1944. roy stryker, an economist from columbia university, was hired to head the "historical section" of the fsa and his job was to "show the city people what it's like to live on the farm." he hired photographers like dorothea lange, walker evans, arthur rothstein, marion post wolcott, russell lee, ben shahn, john vachon, john delano, carl mydans, john collier, jr & gordon parks. for nine years they would travel the u.s.a. to produce a "visual encyclopedia of american life." there are more than 100,000 photographs of america during the depression in the collection-many of them would become iconic photographs that were published in newspapers and publications such as life magazine & look magazine. the library of congress has 164,000 photographs available to view online here. there are some truly amazing photographs and just seeing the day to day life of americans during the depression is heart breaking and breathtaking.