"we didn't want to make a traditional perfume image, but something more real and raw. i have done loads of self-portraits in the past - it's very much part of my work and how i started out. anOther asked if i would be interested in doing a self-portrait for the scent and i loved the idea. so i found a nice five star hotel, checked in there on my own with only my cameras and a load of film and a couple of chloé outfits, and spent the evening playing around. i shot the images on polaroid film. i love how it is instant so that i at least have some idea of where i am heading when i can't look through the lens and i love the vintage feeling of them. i used some of the last boxes of polaroid i managed to find. it's getting almost impossible getting a hold of them these days. when i work it is almost always spontaneous, and that's how i love to keep it. i don't spend a lot of time planning or thinking about why or how, i just find something that attracts my eye and then i play around with it. i usually have an idea of where to start, but not where to finish. i love it most when i manage to surprise myself. i don't like to tell the viewer what they should see in the images either. i think one of the beautiful things about photography is that every viewer can find their own story in the picture."