biggest disappointment of the night:

this is my biggest criticism of the night - everyone fell into 3 categories: 1. part of the wedding party.2. that girl. the one who is all boobs and sheer panels.3. so boring....nude & peach & all those shades....not that great on the red carpet.
it's kinda sad that all these young girls stuff themselves into these gowns that, although they may be beautiful, are just so inappropriate and say absolutely NOTHING about them. most of their dresses looked like something an older woman would wear. for instance, i thought catherine zeta jones looked lovely and appropriate. whether you love or hate my choices at least they are all true to themselves. i mean, i didn't love julianne moore's dress but it's so her and she looks smashing in it & the color is just so brilliant. and helena bonham carter, bless her, doesn't deviate from what she likes no matter what anybody says. i love that... and LE SIGH i love that tilda wore the jil sanders! i'm sure it will be panned by those horrible fashion police shows but she looked flawless and you know what? she looked like someone you would want to sit next to at dinner and have a nice chat-up! i'd rather someone wear a dress or look i didn't love but was true to their own style. everyone just looked so bland and overdone.my biggest disappointment was michelle williams because i usually love what she wears. i just think the fit of the dress ON TOP of the look of the dress just isn't doing her any favors.