the couple - identified by le figaro as géraldine bloch, 35, and philippe virgiti, 41 - stated that galliano allegedly yelled "dirty jewish face, you should be dead!" and "fucking asian bastard, i will kill you!"
there was also hair pulling. bloch stated that "i was sitting with a friend and the table next to us was open, a bizarre guy sat down, ordered a mojito and started to tell me i was a bitch. at the beginning it was just 'dirty bitch', "and after the anti-semitic & racist insults "we couldn't get rid of him, he was a friend of the owner," and the people around her had to tell her, "that's a star, that's john galliano." "i'm not jewish but in this case, i feel a solidarity with an arab person and a jewish person." (bloch works ath the insitut du monde arabe) but then it continued. "shut your mouth, dirty bitch. i cannot tolerate your voice," galliano yelled. "you are so ugly i cannot even look at you, "continued the designer. "you have low-end boots, disgusting thighs. you don't have hair, your eyebrows are ugly, you're disgusting, you're nothing but a bitch." and he finished with "i am the designer john galliano." he then told virgiti "i will kill you"
the police were alerted and arrived in minutes. after being taken to the station and tested, galliano tested positive for the "alcotest" at 1.01g. he passed by hotel dieu hospital's medical service and was quickly examined but without a blood test. shortly after his arrest he was released and his chauffeur was given permission to take him home.