i still remember the first time i saw blade runner....the clothing, the hair, the make-up, the future, the past.the classic hollywood story of failure & redemption, hero & anti-hero - a replicant love story. it was mesmerizing. the replicants were more human than humans and full of existential angst. over 20 years later i still love this film & rachael still rocks. replicant or not.
deckard: you're reading a magazine. you come across a full page of nude photos of a girl.
rachael: is this testing whether i'm a replicant or a lesbian, mr. deckard?
deckard: just answer the questions please. you show it to your husband. he likes it so much he hangs it on your bedroom wall.
rachael: i wouldn't let him.
deckard: why not?
rachael: i should be enough for him.