Fundraising disguised as real estate advertising. Rather than “donate,” viewers are asked to “buy” land, in the location they choose, at $10/acre, Rainforest Trust’s typical cost. (The land is deemed critical to one or more species’ survival. Donors do not receive actual title.) 100% of every dollar goes to actual land purchases. Operating expenses are separately funded.

Creative Credits:
Advertised brand: Rainforest Trust
Advert title(s): Hardwood
Headline and copy text: “2,000 Year Old Hardwood! Wow! Appreciate original hardwood architectural features that have taken hundreds of years to for! Just $10 per acre ensures these original wooden details don’t turn into lumber! Visit RainforestTrust.org or call (800) 456-4930.”
Advertising Agency: Darling Agency, New York, U.S.A.
Agency website: http://darlingagency.com
Creative Director: Kelly Platt
Art Director: Jeroen Bours
Copywriter: Kelly Platt
Photographer: stock
VIA « Fundraising Disguised As Real Estate Advertising for OOH Rainforest Trust Campaign» by Jane Storm