Creative Credits:
Advertised brand: Susanin Fitness
Advert title(s): For the prominent result
Headline and copy text (in English): For the prominent result
1. From ‘Ass!’ to ‘Wow!’
2. From ‘Weight!’ to ‘Yes!’
3. From ‘Mass!’ to ‘Yee-haa!’
4. From ‘Flank!’ to ‘Ok!’
Advertising Agency: Braind Creative Agency, St. Petersburg, Russia
Agency website: http://braind-agency.com
Creative Director: Yury Malyarenko
Art Director: Sergej Ponomarev
Copywriter: Yury Malyarenko
Published: October, 2015
Short rationale: Not everyone believes that the desired result could be achieved. What should they do? We have developed a series of prints that clearly shows how the problem solution becomes a reason for joy. For example, the weight after a training at the club becomes the reason for a happy exclamation: "YES"!
VIA «Susanin Fitness "For the prominent result" Print Ads via Russia's Braind Creative Agency» by Jane Storm