In 1974, a Hungarian sculptor and professor by the name of Ernő Rubik invented a puzzling cube, which has come to be known as the Rubik cube.
Not only have 350 million cubes been sold as of last year but the mechanical cube has recently inspired a new line of menswear called Be Different.

For spring/summer 2016, Be Different has colored our world with a line of ultra-light jackets, which are elegantly packaged in transparent, plexiglass cubes of eight colors.
Be Different was conceived by four 25-year-old young men for other young men.
The four innovators (Stefano Garofalo, Federico Fontana, Ugo Minerva, and Mark Ogliaro) recently made their debute at Pitti Uomo in Italy, 12-15 January 2016, with Be Different.

All other photos Copyright Be Different.