Prior to the Menswear Collection Show at DC Fashion Week this Saturday, I had the wonderful privilege of interviewing one of the youngest designers in the Washington DC fashion scene.
Beyond the resourceful creativeness of this talented 23-year-old designer, however, there stands a humble young man who has been shaped by adversity.
Refusing to allow nothing hold him down, Emore’J Couture has risen to the top simply by following his passion and dreams.
So, I’m honored to introduce you to the man, Emore’J Couture—a source of inspiration for both you and me!
Can you tell me a bit about where you are from and how you grew up?
I was born & raised in Washington DC. Growing up in the urban city of Washington DC was tough, considering I’m naturally an artist and love visuals. DC at the time when I was growing up and attending middle school and high school was not big on fashion design or fashion support groups. Learning to design, produce events, and market myself was all self taught.
How did this adverse situation shape you?
The rough experiences I received in school, such as bulling, harassment for being creative, and ridicule helped me charge my creative energy in a positive way to become greater than my environment.
What kind of formal training in fashion design did you have?
None! I didn’t have any formal training. I do want to take that up one day, some actual sowing classes and maybe a fashion design degree…but up to now I have been going off on my own natural talent to create.
When did you really feel the urge to design?
I knew I wanted to do design when I was in high school. I enjoyed creating unique looks for myself and others. I was more focused on wearing shocking outfits than school itself.
So, now, do you design with the goal of shocking the audience?
That’s exactly what I am doing. I love to be a shocker to keep your eyes open and jaws dropping. That’s my whole purpose—to continue to showcase creative art, avant-garde fashion, high fashion.
What led you into designing?
Certain factors and influences that led me to design were freedom of expression, appreciation of my natural talent, and the art field itself.
Do any of these factors influence your designs?
Various attributes inspire my designs and premieres of a new collection. It can be a situation in my life, which could be good or bad; so I will create a collection off of my emotions and how I feel at that time. Certain political situations in society have influenced my collections; for example, my APPARATUS Collection. This collection represents the lack of emotion, love, and compassion that humans have developed for one another.
What other political situaions affect your designs?
I could definitely first say the gay marriage influenced my collection a lot, because of how it was banned or made illegal. Even some of the garments, I have two females tied together, bonded together—and to me that symbolizes love. That’s likely an example of a political statement that I was bringing through my collection.
Tell me more about how your personal emotions come into play…
When it comes to my personal style, I kind of go off of the emotions and how I feel that day. If the sun is out, I would rather give a very preppy J. Crew look, but if it is cloudy and just dull, then I make a cloudy emotional dark type of feel with my garments. When it comes to a collection, it kind of goes off of something happening in society, or how I feel about technology, or how technology is changing. That’s kind of how you see it in my new collection: it’s very dark; a lot of the flesh is covered up. It’s pretty much how I feel about society.

Does any one thing in particular guide your creativity?
I really don’t have any groundbreaking philosophy, except that my collections usually leave people thinking about things other than fashion, such as sexuality, spirituality, and diversity.
How would you sum up the Emore’J Couture look?
I would some up my particular look or style of design as unpredictable: you never know what Emore’J Couture will bring to the runway!
who is the Emore J Couture kind of man?
I would say it would have to be your bold type man, definitely a celebrity figure, to wear my garments. My work is just for art purposes, just to showcase artistically. Other than that, if there is a huge extravaganza coming up, then my pieces are definitely worn. But it’s definitely not ready to wear! Continue to the second interview with Emore’J Couture.
Photo top Copyright Shy Magazine.Photos middle left & right, Copyright Emore’J Couture.Photo bottom left, Copyright Shy Magazine.