The Stone Island Shadow Project is a line of menswear designed by the creative team Acronym®, with Errolson Hugh and Michaela Sachenbacher.
The acronym is PARSEQ, which stands for Proof, Augment, Resist, Skin, and Equip:
roof has the purpose of total weather protection;
ugment points to the finality of adaption and customization;
esist comprises a wide spectrum of dependable usage;
kin, of course, is the layer of contact; and
uip stands for access and support.
Now in its third season, the Stone Island Shadow Project rests upon the concept that menswear is a man’s interface with his environment.
Drawing from military and active sportswear, the line is void of seasonal changes and full of functional continuity.
Photo & slideshow 2016 a/w collection Shadow Project Copyright Stone Island.